Analytical Study of Image Steganography Techniques in the Context of Present Scenario


Author(s): Ravi Saini, Kamaldeep Joshi, Rajkumar Yadav, Rainu Nandal

Today is the world of Internet Technology. Internet technology becomes our part of life and making many changes of our real life. Most of the people have smart phones and they are using various applications like Whatsapp, Facebook, Paytm, Phone Pay, Twitter etc. in their daily routine life with the help of Internet Technology. All these types of applications needs some form of information transfer between two persons or between one person and server. As the various applications are used for information sharing, so the risk of various attacks and unwanted access by some person also increases. To avoid these types of attacks and authorized access information hiding is very crucial concept. In the today scenario, information is shared in digital form. So, to protect this digital information is quite crucial. Information Hiding is the technology of camouflaging the vital data which uses cover file, digital image processing, cryptography, signal processing, compression techniques etc. for the safety of information. In this paper, we will do the analytical study the various approaches of image steganography in the present scenario.