
Author(s): Mr.T.Hari Shankar; Mr.S.Dilip Kumar

MANETs is self-organizing and independent infrastructures, which make them an ideal choice for uses such as communication and information sharing. Nodes in MANETs are vulnerable to malicious entities that aim to tamper and analyze data and traffic analysis by communication eavesdropping or attacking routing protocols. On the other hand, limited resource is an inherent problem in MANETs, in which each node labors under an energy constraint. MANETs complex routing and stringent channel resource constraints impose strict limits on the system capacity. However, existing anonymous routing protocols generate a significantly high cost, which exacerbates the resource constraint problem in MANETs, its use anonymous routing protocols that hide node identities and routes from outside observers in order to provide anonymity protection and propose an Anonymous Location-based Efficient Routing protocol (ALERT). ALERT dynamically partitions the network field into zones and randomly chooses nodes in zones as intermediate relay nodes, which form a non-traceable anonymous route. It’s theoretically analyzing ALERT in terms of anonymity and efficiency. Experimental results exhibit consistency with the theoretical analysis, and show that ALERT achieves better route anonymity protection and lower cost compared to other anonymous routing protocols. Many anonymity routing algorithms are based on the geographic routing protocol (e.g. Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR)) that greedily forwards a packet to the node closest to the destination. However, the protocol’s strict relay node selection makes it easy to reveal the source and destination and to analyze the traffic