Image Encryption/Decryption Using RSA Algorithm


Author(s): Sunita

Cryptography is a process used for sending information in secret way. Goal of this process is to provide protection for information but in different way. In this paper our motive to represent a new method for protection that is generated by combination of RSA and 2 bit rotation mechanism of cryptography. There are many algorithms exist for this process. For cryptography there are algorithms like RSA, IDEA, AES, and DES but here we are using only one algorithm from these that is RSA which is enough to implement combined process using 2 bit rotation. The encrypted image is used as input for network for further implementation.RSA encrypt image with 1 bit rotation. In 1 bit rotation only 1 bit is shifted and at decrypt side shifted bit are reversed. But to make it more secure we are going to perform 2 bit rotation due to which it is more secure as compared to existing algorithm. After applying the 2 bit rotation we perform the permutation of that image that will give us encrypted image.