

As MANET is functioning in the absence of fixed infrastructure, the packets are sent by selforganization of nodes. So, in the aforementioned definition, self-organization is an important phrase. By selforganizing themselves the nodes route the packets of their neighbor nodes over wireless medium by constructing a multi hop networking environment. So the nodes of the MANET should act as both a router and a transceiver. Since MANET is dynamic in nature, and the nodes have to self-organize to adjust their transmission range to stay connected to each other, the connectivity between the nodes is a big challenge. This network mostly used for emergency network such as military deployment disaster management, etc. The clusterhead and the gate way nodes forward RREQ packets to set up a path between the source and the destination which proves efficient communication, prior to forwarding a RREQ packet cluster the head/gateway node compares its mobility value with RREQ and updates the least value in RREQ. The destination node advertises the least mobility value to the remaining nodes in the path with the help of RREP packet; therefore stable paths are found without increasing the network control overheads. In this paper, we discussed a new algorithm called Intersect Node Selection Based Clustering Algorithm (INSBCA) for MANET in three different scenarios, and its result compare with already existing clustering algorithm