Author(s): N.Keerthana; Dr.B.Srinivasan
Collaborative tagging is one amongst the foremost subtle and widespread services offered on-line. The necessary purpose of cooperative tagging is to loosely classify resources supported end-user?s feedback. The undefined linguistics of tags, that are ambiguous and expressed in multiple languages, makes it tough to enforce linguistics ability and to grant an affordable level of accuracy once determinative the “meaning” of a tag. However, to attain the improved use, the present design of cooperative tagging services should be extended by together with a policy layer. The aim of this layer are to enforce user preferences, deliberately denoting resources on the idea of the set of tags related to them, and, possibly, different parameters regarding their trait. This planned work build a primary contribution during this direction by showing however a selected privacy-enhancing technology (PET), particularly tag suppression, is wont to shield end-user privacy; and second, it analyzes however the approach will have an effect on the effectiveness of policy-based cooperative tagging systems.